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How Do I Order?
Browse the catalogue below to see our range of bespoke products. If we’ve previously made something that suits your requirements make a note of the product code.
You can either contact us directly at: 01132 566556
Email us at:
You can use our live chat to discuss your design or fill out the order form below.

Not what you’re looking for? Be sure to get in touch with us if you require any additional add ons or accessories.
Bespoke Platform & Step Trolleys
Our custom-made step trolleys are available in any size with robust locking castor wheels, platforms and steps.
We design heavy duty industrial rails for warehousing as well as shop displays, stockroom storage and transport.
All of our clothing rails are delivered to your premises fully assembled & ready to use.
Get in touch about your requirements. You can send us a sketch of your idea using The Order Form.
Collaborate with our design team to build your design. We also provide 3D CAD drawings.
Order Directly From Our uK Warehouse. Pricing discounts are available for large bulk orders.
Have your products shipped directly to your premises.

We know your brand is a vital part of your identity as a business or organisation. So we offer custom logo printing. These hard wearing transfers are water and UV resistant. All we require from you is a high resolution PSD, INDD, PDF, AI, JPG or PNG file and we'll print and apply your transfer in any size required in high quality vinyl. Lettering, labels and other images: If you need labels or other text or images applying to any product you can do this either when you purchase or, if we don't have the options you need, please get in touch with our team who will be happy to help you. All we require from you is a high quality PSD, INDD, PDF, AI, JPG, PNG, TXT, or DOC/DOCX file and we'll print and apply your transfer in any size required in high quality vinyl.

Powder coating can be applied to metals, mdf and plastics providing a high quality, hard-wearing, chip and UV resistant, corrosion resistant and eco-friendly coloured finish to products. It’s a common method of coating and you’ll have seen it on many every day products. RAL is a European colour matching system that defines colours for paint, coatings and plastics. It’s a collection of 2,530 colours that are used within the industry to ensure colours are consistent. Because of the wide range of colour choices we can’t provide images of all the options. However, if you have products with a RAL colour you need to match or if you have a specific custom colour in mind you can view the full range of RAL colours by clicking the button below. Or if you have a brand colour you need to match get in touch with us and we'll find the closest RAL colour for you.
Wheel Options
The images below are examples of some of the types of castor wheel options we offer. We can supply wheels to fit anything from the smallest trolley unit to the biggest platform truck. Need more manoeuvrability? Need breaks? Let us know and we’ll work with you to make sure your build has the right components.